
Most homebuilders would point to Tony Bingelis’ many articles and books as the single best authoritative source for good, practical information about all aspects of building a homebuilt aircraft, and this book is no exception. This book is valuable to builders of aircraft using any type of powerplant, with in-depth yet readable discussions on the proper methods of installing nearly any engine and it’s associated components — fuel systems, electrical systems, propellers, cowlings, exhaust, etc. Like all Bingelis books, it is richly illustrated with many photos and drawings, and the reader is given many examples and much practical advice on the acceptable methods of construction, as well as many examples of common problems and mistakes to avoid. This is an excellent book for all homebuilders (possibly excepting homebuilt glider builders!)

Written by Tony Bingelis (edited/prepared by Wes Schmid), Copyright 2000. ISBN 0-940000-54-7. Published by EAA Aviation Foundation. 240 Pages, Softcover.

Chapters include:


1. Engine Selection
2. Engine Installation
3. Firewall Preparation
4. Engine Baffles
5. Engine Cooling
6. Engine Compartment
7. Ignition & Electrical
8. Fuel Systems
9. Exhaust Systems
10. Props & Spinners
11. Miscellaneous