
‘Flying: Just Plane Fun’ is one of the best books we’ve seen to introduce kids to the wonder and excitement of recreational flying. Written from the perspective of a grandpa taking his grandson out for his first flight in his open-cockpit Skybolt biplane, it covers all the basics: the parts of the airplane, the pre-flight, how planes fly, the obligatory pancake breakfast, EAA and Young Eagles, aerobatics, navigation, landing patterns, building your plane, and other topics that aviators take for granted. Richly illustrated with a mix of watercolor paintings and photos along with light-hearted, yet information-rich text, you can really feel the enthusiasm for flight which the author obviously shares with the reader. In fact, even though this is intended as a book for young, it makes good light reading for non-flying adults with a curiosity about flying. This book was a Silver award winner in the ForeWord Magazine 2004 Book of the Year Award for Juvenile Non-Fiction.

Available in Softcover.


‘Flying: Just Plane Fun’, describes what it’s really like to go flying in a biplane. It’s a perfect book for those who are not yet pilots and are curious about flying. This lively memoir was written from the perspective of grandpa taking his grandson on his first flight one summer day over Wisconsin in his homebuilt Skybolt. It captures the thrill of being airborne and explains the basic aspects of flying, including takeoff, lift, navigation and aerobatics through the use of charming watercolor illustrations and photographs. – FLYING MAGAZINE

Young aviation enthusiasts will enjoy ‘Flying: Just Plane Fun’, a picture book about aviation written especially for them… It’s a well-written, nicely illustrated book, especially for this broad age group, that’s just plane fun to read. – SPORT AVIATION MAGAZINE