
This fine book covers the skills needed to build a steel-tube fuselage. The introduction sums it up by saying, “The intent of this book is to help the average motorhead produce a tubular steel airframe that is about as good as one from a factory.” Covers the basics of drawings and their terminology, working with steel sheet and tubing, compares welding methods (TIG/GTAW and gas), repairs, geometry, abrasives, corrosion prevention and control, an extensive section on tools and equipment, making fixtures, construction order, seats, harness, and rollover structures, etc. This book is very readable with many clear diagrams and illustrations, and uses a practical, fact-filled style. Many practical tips and hints about all sorts of aircraft-related things are to be found throughout the text, making this more than just a dry technical text on the mechanics of cutting and welding. Highly recommended for anyone even considering building a tube-structured aircraft (it would even be very helpful to folks building other aircraft types, or for those building race car or go-kart frames).

Written by Dave Russo, Copyright 2005. ISBN 0-9774896-0-4. Published by Aircraft Technical Book Company. 158 Pages, Softcover.