Aircraft Products
ColorEyes HDL-3C Performance Sunglasses – Brought to you by Performance Optics

HOT NEWS! ColorEyes is now known as VedaloHD!
The name is new, but the company and the awesome HDL-3C lens technology remains at the forefront of aviation optics.

VedaloHD LogoIn the opinion of many users, VedaloHD HDL-3CTM by ColorEyes are simply the best sunglasses available for the demanding needs of pilots. While flying, pilots face a wide variety of conditions, from clear skies with harsh sunlight to bright clouds to low-contrast haze. In addition, pilots have to move seamlessly between seeing clearly outside the aircraft to inside the cockpit. Consider the wide variety of cockpit display types in use — everything from small “steam gauges” to monochrome LCD displays to full-color electronic flight displays — and you are faced with a real challenge in providing the best visibility throughout a wide a range of conditions.

To meet these very challenging requirements, VedaloHD developed and patented the unique HDL-3CTM technology specifically for the needs of the aviation industry. The main goals of the technology are to improve visual acuity and increase safety in the cockpit environment. HDL-3C stands for High Definition Lens improving Color, Clarity and Comfort, and that’s a darned good description of what these sunglasses do.

We first met the VedaloHD team (then known as Performance Optics, Inc.) at Sun ‘N Fun and we tried on some of their sample pairs of glasses. We were blown away by how well they brought out the colors around us while still functioning as sunglasses. We liked them a lot, and felt that our customers could really benefit from them as well. Almost all of our employees wear them, and so we can wholeheartedly and personally recommend them to you.

Key Features of VedaloHD’s HDL-3C Lens Technology:

HDL-3C Stands For…

  • Improved Color:
    The HDL-3C lens equalizes the colors in the color spectrum, producing improved color sensitivity and contrast apprehension. A unique aspect of HDL-3C technology is that it really brings out the colors you see, without artificially tinting everything else in order to do so. Reds and oranges become incredibly vivid and blues become deeper… it’s almost like turning up the contrast control on the world around you! It’s an amazing effect that you just don’t see with any other sunglasses.
  • Improved Clarity:
    The HDL-3C lens is a decentered lens designed to increase visibility and eliminate distortion. The HDL-3C lens technology costs more to make (5 to 15 times more than the other high-end polycarbonate lenses on the market) but these lenses are truly the finest optics available anywhere. We feel it’s well worth the price, and believe that once you try a pair on, you’ll agree.
  • Improved Comfort:
    The HDL-3C lens technology achieves these dynamic results without stressing the physiological vision system… they can be worn all day long without any eye strain. The polycarbonate lenses are not only the best material optically, but are also very lightweight and impact-resistant. Most VedaloHD styles feature a hingeless design and rimless frames, providing physical comfort, maximum coverage, and no frame interference. Titanium models are the ultimate in light weight… they only weigh 12 grams! This is the ultimate design for headset comfort. Flying is demanding enough without being distracted by uncomfortable sunglasses!
  • Improved Acuity:
    ‘Visual acuity’ is defined as the capability of the eye to discriminate between very small objects or objects that are very close together, and depends on the difference of luminance and chromatic contrast of the filter and objects viewed. Higher visual acuity means the person will have better visual performance and safety in activities requiring fast visual response, such as flying. Increased visibility of certain colors, combined with the correct light transmittance, results in enhanced visual acuity. This is particularly important for flying when you need the maximum perception of moving objects, cloud formations, other aircraft, ground landmarks, and runways, as well as the ability to read maps and instrumentation. HDL-3C filters reduce the amount of light reaching the eye in order to reduce glare (like nearly all sunglasses) but they’re unique in their ability to improve both color and color contrast throughout the spectrum. This improves visual performance.

Other Important Features:

  • Choice of Tints:
    We have three lens tints to choose from, all of which use the same great HDL-3C technology to achieve stunning visual performance… you can choose the one that best matches your particular usage.
  • Great Looks:
    Nobody wants to wear ugly sunglasses, no matter how good the lenses are. VedaloHD frames feature the best in fashion and high-quality workmanship, in a variety of styles.
    See the Styles we offer
  • Durability:
    The best scratch-resistant coating has been applied to protect the lenses. Please use the free micro-fiber sleeve provided with all our glasses to clean lenses so as not to rub off coatings with an abrasive cloth.
  • UV Protection:
    Never wear sunglasses with less than 100% protection from ultraviolet rays, which cause cataracts and other eye damage. All VedaloHD HDL-3C sunglasses provide complete UV protection up to 440nm. They are blue light and infrared effective and exceed all American, Australian, and European optical standards (including traffic light standards).
  • Accessories:
    All VedaloHD HDL-3C sunglasses come with a free hard case to protect your investment, as well as a free Micro-Fiber sleeve that not only provides additional protection but acts as the best cloth for cleaning your VedaloHD sunglasses. Please don’t use any other cloths as they are more abrasive.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed:
    If you don’t agree that these are the best lenses you have ever owned, return them within 30 days for a full refund — no questions asked! Please be sure to give them a few days on your face… the increased visual performance these lenses offer is nothing like your eyes have experienced before, so some folks find it takes a little getting used to at first. We’re sure that it won’t take long before you won’t want to wear anything else! VedaloHD stands firmly behind the quality of their craftsmanship. If you have a quality issue with a VedaloHD or ColorEyes product, they will fix or replace your sunglasses for a year!

VedaloHD HDL-3C Sunglasses Are Endorsed By These Top Pilots

Sean D. Tucker

Sean D. Tucker
Airshow Pilot – Team Oracle
“My work is based on absolute performance; when it comes to sunglasses, I am looking for the same thing. Over the years I have tried them all, searching for clarity, comfort and enhanced visual acuity. I promise you that VedaloHD are the best. And they did not pay me to say that.”

Patty Wagstaff

Patty Wagstaff
Airshow Pilot, Aerobatic Champion, and National Aviation Hall of Fame Inductee

“I am very fussy about what I fly with, which includes my sunglasses. Whether I’m flying cross country or a low level airshow, I need to see what is in front of me including clouds, terrain and the glass cockpit display in my Cirrus. Since I’ve started wearing VedaloHD, I’m seeing everything better! I love these shades and they seem to like me because I carry them with me all the time!”

Ed Hamill

Ed Hamill
Airshow Pilot and USAF F-16 Instructor Pilot

“Whether it’s flying an F-16 or my biplane at Airshows, VedaloHD sunglasses are incredibly clear and help me see better in all lighting conditions, and so comfortable, I forget I am wearing them at all.”

See The Difference!

VedaloHD HDL-3C Lens Competitor’s Amber Lens Competitor’s Gray Lens
The view through VedaloHD HDL-3C Sunglasses The view through a leading competitor's Amber (Brown) Sunglasses The view through a leading competitor's Gray Sunglasses
VedaloHD HDL-3C lens technology increases visual acuity and color sensitivity for ALL colors in the color spectrum. It aids in reading glass displays and instruments, accentuates the view outside, and greatly cutting down glare. Conventional amber (brown) tints increase the eye’s ability to see reds and yellows, but drastically reduces sensitivity to magentas and blues. This cuts some glare, but may interfere with viewing some displays. Conventional smoke (gray) tints increase the eye’s ability to see magentas and blues, but drastically reduces sensitivity to reds and yellows. This cuts some glare, but may interfere with viewing some displays.
Polarized Lens (Gray) No Sunglasses Protect Your Eyes!
The view through Gray Polarized Sunglasses The view without any Sunglasses This is NOT a good thing to see...
Polarized lenses are great while you’re fishing, but can be a real problem in the cockpit! They can obscure many LCD-based instrument displays and may create radical color effects in the windows. They may also screen out reflections from nearby aircraft, potentially reducing your ability to see and avoid. In addition, the view can change every time you move your head! Going without sunglasses not only exposes your eyes to harmful UV rays, but the heavy glare makes it difficult to see displays and landmarks. Most people soon get painful eye strain in full sunlight, which can greatly reduce your ability to scan for traffic. Hopefully you’ll never see anything quite like this! The point is… you only have two eyes, and they play a critical role in your flying ability. Isn’t it well worth it to take good care of them and help your eyes perform at the highest level possible?