May 2004

Article by Mike Whaley

We are now moving into the “details” stage of development. The “big stuff” is mostly done – the basic structure of the wings and fuselage and hanging the engine on the mount. Now we are focusing on the myriad of detailed parts – instrument panels, linkages, adjustable seats, etc. These are obviously just as important to the project, but they often aren’t as eye-catching as the big assemblies. These details need to be developed with great care, since they are items that the pilot will use often… if they aren’t right, then they will become ongoing annoyances. Being a prototype aircraft, this is the proper time and place to develop these systems. We refuse to offer any product that’s not up to the highest standards of quality, even if that means it will take longer to develop. In the end, every hour of development we spend now will save each future builder many more hours, dollars, and headaches later, so it’s wise to invest as much time now as necessary.
Continue on to the following entries to see the progress!